You can create generic macros that work for each npc token: ?Įd S.
We are paying a high dollar premium for this content and expect to get high dollar value including all the best feature of the platform. I am asking that Roll20 build the token actions for the premium paid content for the basic actions that the monster or NPC would perform.
This slows down game play and is an extra burden on the GM running the game because they need to have several character sheets open at once. If you wish to attack or do any other action with that token you need to open the character sheet and search for the correct button. The current set up for tokens purchased at a premium price from the Monster Manual and other licensed paid content only includes the HP and AC assigned. They allow a user to quickly perform a roll from the attached character sheet without having to open up said sheet and search for the roll. said: Token actions are one of the best features of Roll20.